20180425_Reverse osmosis desalination: Water sources, technology, and today’s challenges...



1.Title, Journal and Authors

Title: Reverse osmosis desalination: Water sources, technology, and today’s challenges

Journal: Water research

Authors: Lauren F. Greenleea, Desmond F. Lawlerb, Benny D. Freemana, Benoit Marrotc, Philippe Moulinc,*

aThe University of Texas at Austin, Center for Energy and Environmental Resources,10100 Burnet Road, Bldg 133, Austin,TX 78758, USA

bThe University of Texas at Austin, Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering, 1 University Station C1786, Austin, TX 78712, USA

cUniversite´ Paul Ce´zanne, Europoˆle de l’Arbois-Pavillon Lae¨nnec BP80, Laboratoire Me´canique, Mode´lisation et Proce´de´s Propres, 13545 Aix en Provence Cedex 4, France



The reverse osmosis technology is utilized to produce the drinkable water. Process for making drinkable water can be divided into 3 processes, which are pretreatment, membrane process and post treatment. The pretreatment process should be applied differently depending on the feed water. The types of feed water are seawater and brackish water. Seawater has higher salt concertation, so that it needs more energy and high salt rejection membrane to make fresh water when compare with brackish water.

Much of the reverse osmosis process has already been highly technologically advanced. However, there are still some technological challenges. The current reverse osmosis membrane is vulnerable to contamination. Thus, we should develop high membrane fouling resistance membrane.


3. Application to research

This paper covers whole process of reverse osmosis process. Therefore, this paper is very helpful in learning the basics of reverse osmosis process.


4. Contact

Chansik Park (Intergrated Ph.D. program)

Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea

Phone : +82-62-715-2461
E-mail : 14pcs@gist.ac.kr


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