20170718_Application of hyperspectral remote sensing to cyanobacterial blooms in inland...



1. Title, Journal and Authors

Title: Application of hyperspectral remote sensing to cyanobacterial blooms in inland waters (2015)

Journal: Remote Sensing of Environment

Authors: Raphael M. Kudela, et al.


2. Summary

Raphael M. Kudela, et al.claim that separating toxic and non-toxic blooms would be necessary to detect potentially harmful blooms in California. They develop several algorithms such as CI (Cyanobacteria Index), SLH (Scattering Line Height), and AMI (Aphanizomenon-Microcystis Index), to characterize cyanobacterial biomass and separate Aphanizomenon and Microcystis from remote sensing reflectance data. The algorithms were applied to the data of remote sensors such as MASTER (MODIS/ASTER Airborne Simulator) and HICO (Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean). Even though the data have limited factors, the appropriate application to HICO is persuasive to small inland water bodies. The author’s purpose is to develop algorithms, which can separate Aphanizomenon from Microcystis and apply to prior remote sensors, in order to improve the ability to monitor, manage, and alleviate cyanobacterial potentially harmful algal blooms by using the next generation of multispectral and hyperspectral sensors.


3. Application to research

I think that spectral-shape algorithms could be used to develop an estimation model for early warning of harmful algal blooms.


4. Contact

Hyunjin Kim  / Master's course 
Environmental Systems Engineering Lab. 
School of Environmental Science and Engineering 
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 
216 Cheomdan-gwagiro, Bukgu, Gwangju 500-712 Korea 
Tel: +82-62-715-2461 
E-mail: hyunjinkim@gist.ac.kr

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