0706_Influence of water quality on the presence of off-flavor compounds (geosmin and...



1       Title, Journal and Authors

Title : Influence of water quality on the presence of off-flavor compounds (geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol)

Journal : Water Research 44 (2010) 5847-5856

Authors : Julien Parinet a, Manuel J. Rodriguez b,*, Jean Se´rodes a

a Civil Engineering Department, Universite´ Laval, Quebec City G1K 7P4, Canada

B E´cole supe´rieure d’ame´nagement du territoire, Universite´ Laval, 1628 Pavillon Felix-Antoine-Savard, Quebec City G1K 7P4, Canada


2       Summary


-       GEOSMIN, 2-MIB ~ f(physical, chemical and biological water quality variable) 39 parameters 사이의 관계를 파악


-       Principal component analysis (PCA) : 환경, 생태 연구에서 널리 사용되는 방법으로 많은 양의 데이터를 다루는 데 효과적인 방법임.

Study site

-       The study of three surface waters from lotic systems of widely differing quality in the Quebec city region (Canada)

-       The importance of microbiological, mineral, organic and tributary basin aspects in the presence of geosmin and 2-MIB was investigated through a non exclusive and systemic monitoring of many water quality parameters.

Study area

-       Three different water sources (one sampling point per source)

-       All are surface waters from lotic systems

-       Site 1 : Levis ? Urbanized and agricultural area (Relatively poor water quality compared to two others)

-       Site 2 : Ste Foy ? used to supply potable water to Ste Foy (affected by its many tributaries and a tributary basin inhibited by 50 million people)

-       Site 3 : Beauport ? is not very urbanized and relatively unaffected by any anthropogenic impact


-       physical-chemical and microbiological parameters were measured over 1 year, from September 2007 to September 2008

-       8 ~ 10 AM to avoid diurnal fluctuation



-       Factors influencing to T&O compounds

a)     Allochthonous, Autochthonous

: GEOSMIN ? Eutrophication, 2-MIB ? Eutrophication, Allochthonouns origin 에 영향

b)    Urbanized and agricultural area vs unaffected area

Urbanized and agricultural area >>> unaffected by anthropogenic influence

Mg, K is well correlated to geosmin and 2-MIB

c)     The leaching of soil - 이 논문에서는 관계를 보임

d)    Trophic state - Major process

Eutrophication of water : Major source

e)     Chl-a - MIB, GEOSMIN 과의 관계 확인 필요

f)      Transparency - GEOSMIN, MIB와 관계 확인 필요

g)    Cyanobacteria - 다양한 종류들과의 관계 확인 필요

3       Originality & Creativity

-       맛냄새물질의 농도와 관계된 다양한 수질인자 및 요소들을 PCA기법을 통하여 분석.


4       Application to the research

-       적용 가능한 분류 방법 고안 가능 (도시화정도, 부영양화정도, 남조류..)

5       Contact

Inhyeok Yim



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