20180718_Limiting extractable energy from pressure retarded osmosis with different pretreatment...

1. Title, Journal and Authors

Title: Limiting extractable energy from pressure retarded osmosis with different pretreatment costs for feed and draw solutions

Journal: Journal of Membrane Science

Authors: Haifeng Zhanga,  Wenjuan YangbHaifeng ZhangcLianfa Songc,*

a. School of Chemical Engineering, Northeast Dianli University

b. School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Chang’an University

c. Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, Texas Tech University


2. Summary 

- There have been two other methods to calculate the specific energy extraction of PRO process; 1) one is to divide the total energy extraction by the volume of feed solution, and 2) another is to divide the total energy extraction by the volume of draw solution and feed solution.

- The former doesn’t make sense at all, and the latter is also impractical since the pretreatment costs of draw solution and feed solution are not alike.

- Therefore, the authors of the current study, for the first time, suggested a new approach that can calculate the specific energy extraction by considering the pretreatment costs of feed and draw solutions.


3. Contact

 Sung Ho Chae (Ph.D. program)
Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
School of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea
Phone : +82-10-8734-8657
E-mail : kha5s@gist.ac.kr

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