20190716_Economic analysis on environmentally sound brine disposal with RO and RO-hybrid processes


1.     Title, Journal and Authors


Title : Economic analysis on environmentally sound brine disposal with RO and RO-hybrid processes

Journal : Desalination and Water Treatment

Authors : Sung Ho Chaea, Jihye Kimb, Young Mi Kimc, Seung-Hyun Kimd, Joon Ha Kima*

a School of Earth Science and Environmental Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Gwangju, 61005, Korea

b Water Supply Research Center, K-water Institute, Sintanjin-ro 200, Daedeok-gu, Deajeon 34350, Korea

c Advanced Green Chemical Materials Division, Center for Membrane, Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology, 141 Gajeongro, Yuseong, Daejeon 34114, Korea

d Department of Civil Engineering, Kyungnam University, Changwon 631-701, Republic of Korea



2.     Summary


- In this study, it is analyzed that the cost variation trends of environmentally sound brine disposal system through the open outfall system and three different types of SWRO-basis processes (stand-alone SWRO, SWRO-PRO hybrid process, SWRO-MD-PRO hybrid process). And the cost factor analysis was conducted based on the statistical techniques (principal component analysis, varimax, multiple linear regression).

- It is important to set a proper impingement point for discharged brine to be diluted enough. It can be controlled by the discharge angle of pipe(θd), length of the pipe(L), diameter of the pipe(D), slope of the shoreline(θs), and local water depth(Z). And the Froude number should be large to have time for mixing process of the discharged brine.

- In a viewpoint of feed inlet volume, the total capital cost of open outfall increases regardless of the process types as Qf increases. Stand-alone RO process topped when Rec=40% but became the lowest one among the processes when Rec=60%. Because the critical point of the pipe does not change for one fixed value of D. 

- In a viewpoint of RO recovery rate, the open outfall capital cost of RO-PRO and RO-MD-PRO processes increase without falling as Rec increases. In the case of RO process, however, the open outfall capital cost varies along with the change of Rec. Because L should be lengthened according as Rec changes. 


3.     Contact


Kiyong Kim (Undergraduate Student)

Earth Science and Environmental Engineering Concentration

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST)

123 Cheomdangwagi-ro, Buk-gu, Gwangju, 61005, Republic of Korea

Cell: +82-10-2830-0355



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