20181127_Quantifying the potential of ultra-permeable membranes for water desalination...

1. Title, Journal and Authors

- Title : Quantifying the potential of ultra-permeable membranes for water desalination

- Journal : Energy & Environmental Science

- Authors: David Cohen-Tanugi,a Ronan K. McGovernb, Shreya H. Daveb, John H. Lienhardb

and Jeffrey C. Grossman*a

aDepartment of Materials Science & Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, Cambridge MA 02139, USA. E-mail: jcg@mit.edu

bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge MA 02139, USA. E-mail: lienhard@mit.edu


2. Summary

RO technology is producing the largest amount of seawater desalination technology. Although energy consumption is lower than distillation prior to RO, it is still an energy intensive process. One of the efforts to reduce energy consumption is to increase the water permeability of the membrane. In this paper, the salt rejection rate was fixed, and water permeability was increased. Water permeability no longer affected SEC from a certain level.


3. Application to research

The idea of overturning conventional myths is necessary in the study. It is also important to think critically. In this paper, increasing the water permeability in the SEC side is not meaningful, but it is meaningful in terms of cost.


4. Contact

Chansik Park (Integrated Ph.D. program)

Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea

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