20200630_Prediction of algal blooming using EFDC model: Case study in the Daoxiang Lake


20200630_Prediction of algal blooming using EFDC model: Case study in the Daoxiang Lake


1. Title, Journal and Authors

Title: Prediction of algal blooming using EFDC model: Case study in the Daoxiang Lake

Journal: Ecological Modeling

Authors: Guozheng Wu, Zongxue Xu*

Key Laboratory of Water and Sediment Sciences, Ministry of Education, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University



2. Summary

This research is carried to predict the Chl-a concentration in the water system to investigate the relationship between Chl-a and algal bloom, so the final objective is to find the adequate Chl-a criterion which able to be used to predict algal bloom. The results of the EFDC model are compared with the criterion, then prediction accuracy was graded.


EFDC model can predict the Chl-a concentration well, except for some areas. When the criterion is configured to 30ug/l, the prediction accuracy is about 63%. So, we can assume that there has a relationship between Chl-a and algal bloom.


To improve the EFDC model, 1) some discussions for the input variables are needed, 2) algal production rate should be modified because it is a very complex variable, and 3) it is needed to set the adequate criterion to predict algal bloom following the water system, respectively.


3. Originality and Creativity

- The criterion on Chl-a is used to determine the algal bloom using the results of the predicted Chl-a concentration.


5. Contact

Dae Seong Jeong / Integrated Ph.D. program


Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.

School of Environmental Science & Engineering

Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea


Phone : +82-10-2003-7860

E-mail : jeongds92@gist.ac.kr


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