20200805_Scenario study of the effect of different land use to a sub-basin in Yeongsan River basin using SWAT model
1. Title, Journal and Authors
Title: Scenario study of the effect of different land use to a sub-basin in Yeongsan River basin using SWAT model
Journal: Desalination and Water Treatment
Authors: Mark Edward Jolejolea, Bum Jo Kimb, Dong Jin Jeonb, Mylene Cayetanoa,c,*, Joon Ha Kimb,*
aInstitue of Environmental Science and Meteorology, University of the Philippines Diliman
bSchool of Environmental Science and Engineering, GIST
cInternational Environmental Research Institute, GIST
2. Summary
This paper is written to model the variation of water budget between 1990 and 2000 in the Yeongsan river basin, using SWAT. Almost the same data including meteorological and water quality data is used except the usage of the river basin. Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and validation are carried.
There are some changes from 1990 to 2000. In 1990, the baseflow alpha factor is the first factor and the initial curve is second, but in 2000, the order is changed. And, compared to 1990, the ratio of urban is increased, but forest and agriculture areas are decreased. Also, surface runoff is increased, although lateral flow and transpiration are decreased. Therefore, it is verified that urbanization affects the water budget in the watershed basin.
3. Contact
Dae Seong Jeong / Integrated Ph.D. program
Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
School of Earth Sciences and Environmental Engineering
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea
Phone : +82-10-2003-7860
E-mail : jeongds92@gist.ac.kr