1. Title, Journal and Authors
- Title : Text mining tools for extracting information about microbial biodiversity in food
- Journal : Food Microbiology
- Authors : Estelle Chaix, Louise Deleger, Robert Bossy, Claire Nedellec
2. Summary
- Text mining and knowledge engineering methods are useful to automatically and efficiently find relevant information
- Alvis text mining platform : extract the information about habitat, phenotypes using text mining
- corpus : documents, related with target information
- onthologies : sets of knowledge which were structure. it contains the information about hierarchical information between words.
3. Application to research
- text-mining with deep learning can collect the textual data from lots of documents.
- environmental variables are also be collected through this.
4. Contact
Sungho Shin (Ph.D. program)
Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
School of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea
Email : hogili89@gist.ac.kr