20180807_High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis for Energy-Efficient Hypersaline Brine Desalination...

1. Title, Journal and Authors

Title: High-Pressure Reverse Osmosis for Energy-Efficient Hypersaline Brine Desalination: Current status, Design Considerations, and Research needs

Journal: Environmental Science and Technology letters

Authors: Douglas M. Davenporta,  Akshay Deshmukha, Jay R. Werbera, and Menachem Elimelecha,*

a. Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8286, United States


2. Summary 

- This paper firstly diagnoses the current status of membrane-based desalination technologies, ranging from the membrane physical properties to the efficiency of membrane modules.

- Subsequently, the authors of this paper suggest the development of high-pressure reverse osmosis (HPRO) process to researchers out there, and they assert that the corresponding process can enable the energy-efficient hypersaline desalination and mitigate the current brine discharge practices.

- The authors are finalizing the current paper by proposing the further level of HPRO research.


3. Contact

 Sung Ho Chae (Ph.D. program)
Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
School of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea
Phone : +82-10-8734-8657
E-mail : kha5s@gist.ac.kr
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