0704_Developing a flow control strategy to reduce nutrient load in a reclaimed multi-reservoir...



1. Title & Journal

Title : Developing a flow control strategy to reduce nutrient load in a reclaimed multi-reservoir system using a 2D hydrodynamic and water quality model

Journal : Science of the Total Environment 466-467 (2014) 871-880

2. Background of authors

Authors : Yongeun Park, Kyung Hwa Cho, Joo-Hyon Kang, Seung Won Lee, Joon Ha Kim

3. Summary


This is the Multi-reservoir system research papar. Three reservoirs are Youngsan Reservoir (YSR), Youngam Reservoir(YAR) and Kumho Reservoir(KMR).

Objectives of this study are to 1) establish a reasonable model for simulating water quantity and quality processes in a multi-reservoir system; 2) identify significant model parameters of a 2-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model(CE-QUAL-W2: U.S Army Corps. USA) used to predict the nutrient concentrations based on a sensitivity analysis; 3) suggest optimal management schemes to reduce the nutrient loads discharged from a multi-reservoir system by controlling the dam discharge and linking channel flow rates (i.e., gate operation)


Sensitivity analyses were applied to reduce the number of parameters used in the model simulation and to identify their influence on the model results. LH-OAT method, a novel sensitivity analysis, was applied to investigate sensitive parameter.

Because water quality parameters are various, manual calibrations are no longer deemed adequate. In this study, a pattern search algorithm is applied to calibrate the water quality parameters in the CE-QUAL-W2 model.

A scenario analysis was applied to assess the reduction of totally discharged nutrient loads


As a result of sensitivity analysis, the POM is the most sensitive parameter for the TN and TP.  The algal settling rate is the most significant parameter for chl-a. The most significant parameter for the TP was the POM, whereas PO4R was the most sensitive parameter in a previous study. This difference maybe attributed to the site-specific characteristics of the multi-reservoir system.

Hydrodynamic(the water temperature and density)and  Water quality(total of 12 model parameters) are calibrated because of obtaining the accurate simulation results.

As a result of scenario analysis, A 200% increase scenario was determined to be the optimal flow scenario.

Water quality in the harbor can affected by improving the water quality of the YSR.


Water quality model has been efficiently set up by more scientific and economical approaches including sensitivity analysis and auto-calibration process.

4. Originality & Creativity

A novel sensitivity analysis and pattern search algorithm are introduced in this study. The proposed scenarios could be used as effective management schemes to establish nutrient reductions in a multi-reservoir system.

5. application to our lab research

- Because of the first paper review, I would have the time to look around the research system. After now, I will apply these knowledge from the paper to my research area such as environmental problems of 4 major rivers using both EFDC program and statistic analysis.

6. Contact

Inhyeok Yim

Environmental Systems Engineering Lab.
Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
Gwangju Institute Science and Technology
1 Oryong-dong Buk-gu Gwangju, 500-712, Korea

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